Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Elvis, Miscellaneous Memphis

Of course we went to Graceland. Whether you like his music or not, Elvis had a phenomenal career, and it's quite interesting to learn about, but you only get to see the bottom floor of his home.

The rest is mainly a museum of his many accomplishments as well as displays of his outfits and other memorabilia.

You can also see his planes and cars. In fact, you could spend all day if you wanted to see everything. We spent a couple hours.
The day we got to Memphis we went to Mud Island park, which shows the entire lower Mississippi River in inches (a mile=an inch) in pavement with all its twists and turns. It depicts the towns along it and other points of interest. Interesting, especially with the real Mississippi right beside it.
We visited Sun Studio but got there the same time as a huge tour bus and decided it wasn't worth the money to be crammed in with lots of people on a tour.
We tried going downtown--the action happens on Beale St, but it was cordoned off, and there was a nearby festival, which took up all the street parking. We didn't really want to pay expensive garage fees, so we just drove by and parked at the riverside park. I suppose we could have walked up the bluff and then 6 or 7 blocks, but it was too hot.

Instead we looked at the river
and a statue of Tom Lee, who saved 32 people from drowning by rowing people ashore after their boat capsized.

Our campground had a big laundry with free machines, so we were able to get all our laundry done. Neptune was eager to get out and explore. I had him outside on a leash when our neighbor across the road opened the door and walked outside with her dog. He saw Neptune immediately and shot over in a flash. Neptune saw him too and ran to the trailer, but the door was closed. I couldn't run as fast as Neptune, and got there after the dog, who, by then, was chasing Neptune around the steps while the leash was getting fouled. About this time David opened the door and let in Neptune, and the owner of the dog appeared and apologized. The dog was on the small side but bigger than Neptune, and unlike Tinsel, our previous cat who would have taught the dog a thing or too, Neptune's first instinct is to run. Neptune has not completely warmed up to this trip. Every time David starts cooking fish on the stove, Neptune dives behind the couch because he thinks the smoke alarm will go off. In fact, every time David reaches his hand to the ceiling, Neptune's eyes get wide and he dives behind the couch for the same reason. Plato can't fit behind the couch, so when he's scared, he hides under the bed.

We also went to Overton Park and walked around a bit and then visited Dixon Gallery & Garden.
The gardens were nice enough but not really worth the time to get there.

The gallery had some modern pieces

and a few awesome paintings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like an interesting place, at least for a day. The camp site looks like a good one. Sorry the cats are having a hard time.