Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fun in the Fog on the Fundy Trail

St. Martins near Fundy Trail
The Fundy Trail is a road and a multi-use trail (hiking and biking) that follows the Fundy Bay coast for about 7 or 8 miles. It’s winding and hilly and has many observation lookouts and scenic footpaths. Unfortunately today was very foggy, but we were here so we went anyway. Although we couldn’t see much from most of the observation platforms, in fact, sometimes we could hardly see the road, we were able to see some of the highlights, including some waterfalls, a suspension bridge, a burial ground and an interesting 10-minute video at the interpretive center that explained some historical background. We spent a couple hours in the morning, came back to the campsite for lunch, then went back for more. 
Standing on the ocean floor at low tide
The second time, David brought his bike and rode much of the multi-use trail for about an hour and a half while I walked the Flowerpot Rock trail. “How was it?” I asked when he finished. “Difficult. It was one of the most difficult rides I’ve ever done. At times I was only going two and a half miles an hour.” So he was happy to have gotten a good workout. I was happy to have seen the flowerpot rock and have taken a nice hike. On the way back to the campsite we stopped and walked out to some caves that are only accessible at low tide. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds as if things are going well. Love the pictures, but need you in some. I just got caught up with your travels today as I am in Houston. We had my mom's funeral yesterday. All went well. She had a good 95 years. I'll be heading home on Wednesday. Brenda